
Frogmore Leisure Centre Price Changes April 2025

The prices for the below activities at Frogmore Leisure Centre will come into effect from 1st April 2025.

Adult Children Over 60’s
Health and Fitness (per head)
Fitness Room Session £13.30 N/A £10.05
Group Exercise classes from £10.30 N/A £8.85
Personal Training Dependent on number of sessions
GP Referral Session £9.95 N/A £7.55
Racquet Sports (per court)
Badminton (55 minutes) £14.90 £11.90 £11.90
Table Tennis (55 minutes) £14.90 £11.90 £11.90
Racquet Hire £2.90 £2.90 £2.90
Sports Hall Whole (per hour) £82.85 £82.85 £82.85
Artificial Grass 1/4 pitch 55 mins £68.10 £68.10 £68.10
Grass Football Pitch £118.50 £59.15 £118.50
Specialist Activities
Sports Courses Dependent on type of course
Children’s Parties Dependent on type of party
Teen Fit (12 to 15 year olds) N/A £8.75 N/A