Everyone Active is the trading name of a group of companies: Sports and Leisure Management Limited (Company Number 02204085), SLM Community Leisure Charitable Trust (Registered Society Number: IP30005R), SLM Fitness & Health Limited (Company Number: 03813612) and SLM Food & Beverage Limited (Company Number: 03813614) , all of which are registered at 2 Watling Drive, Sketchley Meadows, Hinckley, LE10 3EY (“the Everyone Active Group”). When we refer to “we” or “us” or “Everyone Active” in these terms and conditions we are referring to one or more members of the Everyone Active Group.
For all memberships your contract is with relevant members of the Everyone Active Group and we will apportion any payments you make (for example by direct debit or as a one off payment) between the relevant members of the Everyone Active Group. The gym and exercise class portion of your fitness membership is provided by SLM Fitness and Health Limited and the swimming portion of your membership is provided by SLM Community Leisure Charitable Trust and your payments for your fitness membership will be apportioned by us based on average usage levels across the Everyone Active Group. If you have a swimming only membership or a gym only membership, we will allocate all of your payment to SLM Community Leisure Charitable Trust or SLM Fitness and Health respectively.
For our Direct Debit members, we collect on 1st of each calendar month or the nearest working day after this. If a direct debit is returned by your bank unpaid, we have the right under BACS regulations to re-present a request for this payment at any point without notice but within one month of the original charge.
We offer a heavily discounted non-refundable Annual Memberships for customers wanting to commit for 12 months; this membership cannot be cancelled or transferred once purchased.
A membership may only be used by the named person who holds the membership record. Should any other person be found to be using a membership held by another, the membership will be at risk of being blocked or further access to facilities denied. Usage will be monitored and if abused, the membership may be cancelled with no refund provided for any unused part of the membership.
We reserve the right to terminate a membership at any time without notice.
Some categories of membership may not be available at all facilities, please contact your site directly for more details or visit our centre page.
Discounted, promotional or concession rates on membership are excluded from any further discount obtained through a third party offering or other types of discounted offer.
Where a customer requests to move to a new membership, any discounts or promotion will be not be transferrable. This includes any Price for Life promotion which is linked to the purchased membership subscription only.
You can choose how you pay for your membership with us. A monthly direct debit can be set up with your bank. The payment will come out of your bank on the 1st working day of each month. Alternatively, you can pay for 12 months in advance. All members whether paying annually or by monthly direct debit, will pay a start-up fee that will cover the administration of your membership and your introduction to your activity.
Members choosing to pay by monthly direct debit will also pay a pro rata payment and a final month in advance payment. The pro rata payment will be taken from your bank with the first direct debit payment. This pro rata payment covers the cost of your membership until your direct debit has been set up with your bank. The final month in advance payment is to cover your usage when we come to close your account with us.
A monthly direct debit will be set up with your bank. The payment will come out of your bank on the 1st working day of each month.
Members paying by monthly direct debit will also pay a pro rata payment and a month in advance. The collection from your bank will always be for the lessons to be taken in the next calendar month. This protects your place on your chosen lessons. All members who have swimming lessons or courses with us can enjoy free public swimming sessions at all centres with pools, all year-round except for Coral Reef Waterworld, Derby Moorways Water Park and all outdoor pools/lido’s. (Note: Those under 8 years old must be accompanied by a paying adult.)
^Not available at Leisure facilities within the Central Bedfordshire Contract or Sheffield City Council
^^Not available at Leisure facilities within the Central Bedfordshire, North Herts contracts or Sheffield City Council
All membership types provide access to lane swimming only in outdoor pools/Lido’s
*Coral Reef Waterworld in Bracknell and Moorways Water Park in Derby are excluded from membership
**Guest Pass Terms & Conditions
Some categories of membership may not be available at all facilities or offerings may differ. Please contact your Centre directly for more information.
As a benefit to Direct Debit memberships only, we offer the opportunity to temporarily pause or ‘freeze’ your membership in the event of prolonged absence such as serious illness or injury. This benefit is for full calendar months only and available for a minimum of 1 calendar month up to a maximum of 6 calendar months. It carries a reduced fee of £5 per member per month*. This benefit is for monthly direct debit fitness memberships only as we cannot hold lesson or course spaces open unless supported with a valid medical exemption from a medical professional.
Freezes can only commence after the first direct debit has been taken (including any pro rata payment). Any promotional offer or discount period attributed to the freeze period will not be extended. To activate this benefit, please request a suspension of your membership from our website, Freeze My Membership Request before 20th* of the month to be effective the 1st of the following month, as you will need to agree to the term of the freeze.
At the end of the ‘frozen period’ your monthly direct debit will revert to the appropriate fee automatically.
*For months containing UK bank holidays, this date may be subject to change.
As a benefit to Direct Debit Golf memberships only, we offer the opportunity to temporarily pause or ‘freeze’ your membership in the event of prolonged absence such as serious illness or injury. This benefit is for full calendar months only and available for a minimum of 1 calendar month up to a maximum of 6 calendar months. It carries a reduced fee of £10 per member per month. A doctors note or equivalent would need to be provided prior to the freeze request.
Any promotional offer or discount period attributed to the freeze period will not be extended. To activate this benefit, please request a suspension of your membership from our website, before 20th* of the month to be effective the 1st of the following month, as you will need to agree to the term of the freeze.
At the end of the ‘frozen period’ your monthly direct debit will revert to the appropriate fee automatically.
*For months containing UK bank holidays, this date may be subject to change.
Money Back Guarantee is covered in our Cancellations and Refunds Policy
Should your personal details change, please notify us immediately. The details we hold for you will be used to communicate electronically or by letter with you as per BACs regulations. You can make changes in the profile area – Change Settings, or you can notify us in centre or by visiting our requesting through the website – Request Changes.
Prices may be reviewed at any point during your membership and we undertake to provide at least 3 working days’ notice of any price change either by email where this exists, or by post.
Where we have to alter hours of business or change activity programmes, every attempt will be made to provide advance notice and to minimise disruption and inconvenience. Compensation in the form of use of alternative facilities, activity vouchers, or pro rata refunds may be offered where disruption is significant and set to continue for an extended period. Please note that this will not apply where disruption is caused by adverse weather conditions.
We expect our members to behave in a considerate manner and will not accept any inappropriate behaviour towards other members or our colleagues. We reserve the right to refuse admission for members behaving in such a manner.
All customers will be provided with a personal membership number which they will be required to present via card/fob or barcode on each visit to the facility. The card or fob remains the property of Sports & Leisure Management Ltd. In the event you lose your card/fob, a replacement will be made available at a nominal charge. The card/fob may only be used by the person to who, it has been issued.
On your first visit to the Centre, you will be required to have your photograph taken so we can identify that only the holder of the membership is accessing the facilities. This is to safeguard all our members in relation to health and safely and ensure only those members paying for a Membership subscription are being allowed access. We will store the photograph in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Your photograph will not be used in any other way other than for identification purposes.
Subject to the final paragraph of this section, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage you may suffer where the same is attributable to:
Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence of for fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.
Direct Debit & Annual membership cancellations are covered in our Cancellations and Refunds Policy
For details of programmed & bookable activities that are included/not included in your membership, cancelling classes & charges are covered in our Cancellations and Refunds Policy
For details of how Everyone Active/SLM uses the personal information you provide, please see our Privacy Policy, on our webpages.
For all direct debit membership administration enquiries please contact us using the enquiries option.
For all other member enquiries and activity bookings please contact us using the appropriate option on Contact Us on our Everyone Active website or contacting your leisure centre directly.
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and your use of the site confirms your agreement to this jurisdiction. Any cause of action you may have with respect to your use of this site must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises.
If any of these Terms of Use is determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the law of any state or country in which these Terms of Use are intended to be effective, then to the extent to which that Term or Condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from that clause and the remaining Terms of Use shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.
Sports and Leisure Management Ltd 2 Watling Drive, Sketchley Meadows, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 3EY. Registered in England No.220408