Here at Everyone Active we want to tell you why we need your personal details, what we use them for and what rights you have. We also have what is called a Data Protection Officer – David Brougham. David is the person who makes sure we do the things the law says we should.
There is a law that means all your important information must be kept safe, including your address, birthday, telephone number and email address.
This law means you should always know why an organisation is collecting your information and how they will use it. It also gives you more rights over your personal details.
Everyone Active is part of a larger company called Sports and Leisure Management. Sports and Leisure Management also looks after other companies, including:
This means things like your name, address, telephone number, email address, birthday and membership number.
We will record your activity information such as when you attend, which activities you take part in and your progress in these activities.
We need to know if you have any medical conditions, so our teachers and trainers know how to keep you safe.
We ask for information about your parents in case we need to contact them in an emergency or if we need to provide them with important information about payments they make for your membership.
Our marketing team may be on the lookout for individuals to be in photos that will appear on our marketing materials (such as leaflets and posters) or website. Before they take any photographs of you, they will ask your parents to complete a form to say both they and you are happy for this to happen. If you are over the age of 13, you may be able to complete this form yourself.
Our leisure centres also have CCTV to help keep you safe while you are working out or taking part in an activity.
Some pools also have cameras to help our lifeguards detect if someone is in trouble and may need help.
We will only collect information that will enable us to deliver our services to you. When we have collected your information, this is how we use it:
Here at Everyone Active we keep checks on how your information is collected, make sure you know why we need certain information and know how we will use it. Most importantly we have measures in place keep your personal information secure.
We work with other organisations who help us to provide our services to you. We tell them how they are allowed to use your information. These companies include:
Where you and your parents can track your swimming progress
A party provider that work with a number of our leisure centres
A ticket provider that allows you to book at some of our more exciting venues
There are more which can be found on our Privacy Policy
We won’t keep your information for any longer than we need to. Our centres have rules which tell them how long to keep certain information for and how to dispose of it safely once we no longer need it.
You and your parents have the right to:
If you are worried about how Everyone Active collects, uses and looks after your data, contact our data protection officer:
His name is: David Brougham
His email address is: [email protected]
If you would like to speak to someone that does not work at Everyone Active about your concerns, you can call the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113.
Now that you have read our privacy notice we hope that you understand and remember that:
We hope you enjoy your membership.