Everyone Active swimming lessons provide an ideal environment for you and/or your child to first gain water confidence, and subsequently develop excellent swimming techniques within a structured programme. The swimming lesson programme adheres to the Swim England Learn to Swim Framework. The lessons are delivered exclusively by highly trained and qualified teachers, so you can be absolutely confident that it will provide you with the most comprehensive swimming development programme available in the UK.
Upon arrival for your lesson, please present your child’s membership card (this should have been issued at the time of booking) either to reception for it to be scanned to register their attendance or, if the centre is so equipped, use it to scan your way through the turnstiles. If you are unsure of who will be teaching your child, please ask a member of staff for advice. You will need check which coin you will need for the lockers – this is normally a £1 coin for the majority of sites which is refundable to enable you to store your child’s belongings securely in a locker in the changing rooms.
When booking, you will have been given a latex swimming hat. These are colour-coded to the relevant Swimming Lesson groups and are to be worn, not only for hygiene purposes, but also to enable teachers and lifeguards to quickly identify which group each child belongs to.
To fit the hat, long hair should be tied into a ponytail, ask your child to firmly hold the front of the hat onto their forehead, while you pull the back over the top of their head and ensure all hair is tucked into the hat. After use, rinse in cold water, dry away from direct sunlight and sprinkle lightly with talc for easy fitting in the future. Hats must be fitted before the start of the lesson.
In the interests of swimmer safety, we request that no jewellery is worn during swim lessons. Any jewellery that could pose a catch hazard must be removed or covered.
Under 8s through care procedures
Children under the age of eight must be dropped off by a parent or guardian at the poolside pickup/drop off area. These areas will be clearly marked with a sign stating the stage and the hat colour. All children need to be taken to this area by their parent five minutes before the start of lesson and the teacher will collect and then return to the same area.
Once you have dropped off your child, please make your way to the viewing gallery. All children will be returned by the teacher for you to collect, please be back at pick up area two minutes before end of lesson. The teacher will move to the next pick up area for their next lesson. Our lessons’ time slots allow five minutes for pickup/drop off and taking of registers.
In the interest of health and safety, parents/guardians of children under the age of eight years must not leave the building, and, if you are not spectating, please ensure you are back to collect your child at the end of their lesson.
As part of the company’s commitment to the training and development of our Swim Teachers, from time to time, we host teacher training courses for the Institute of Swimming/Swim England. As candidates need to be assessed whilst teaching children to swim, some of the practical work will be carried out in your child’s lesson. This might mean that your child will be taught by a candidate on the course, under close supervision of our regular teachers and the course tutor.
We hope your child enjoys their Everyone Active Swimming Lessons. If you do have any queries or concerns, then please contact the Swim Manager or Duty Manager at the site who will be able to assist you further.