
Booking Classes

Everyone Active offers a fantastic range of group fitness and exercise classes for you to enjoy and to help you reach your fitness goals.

As you can imagine, places on these classes are limited, so it’s important we keep as many places available for as many of our members as possible, so as many of you as possible can enjoy the classes.

With this in mind, we would like to encourage all members to attend the classes they book or cancel with enough time to allow other members the opportunity to secure a space too. We hope this will help all of our members to get the chance to book onto their favourite classes before all the spaces are filled.

Please could we also ask that you remove yourself from any class waiting lists you don’t wish to be contacted about or attend any more. You can do this easily via our app, using the Bookings and Favourites tile. This will free up more spaces for members who do wish to take on these classes.

Thank you so much for your co-operation.