
Everyone Active’s Exercise Referral Scheme

Everyone Active’s Exercise Referral scheme is the perfect way for people with long-term health conditions to move more to improve their health and wellbeing. We want everyone to be able to enjoy at least half an hour of physical activity, five times a week, and we’re here to help you.

Our Exercise Referral scheme aims to provide opportunities for people with underlying medical conditions, or those at risk of developing conditions to become more active in a safe and welcoming environment and raise awareness of the benefits of physical activity, helping to create long-term behaviour change.

Regular physical activity can help you manage your weight, have a positive effect on you mentally, improve your muscle and joint functions, and benefit your heart health too. Not only will it help you manage and control existing conditions, but it will help protect you from developing other health complications as well.

The 12 week programme will be designed to help individuals self-manage their condition more effectively and with more confidence.

Moving more will get you on the path to a happier, healthier you.

Working in partnership with:

Who Can be referred onto the Exercise Referral Scheme?

Most people with long-term health conditions will be accepted onto the Exercise Referral Scheme. These include asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, as well as depression, anxiety, osteoporosis and plenty of other conditions, including rehabilitation from Covid-19.

The programme has been designed to help individuals self-manage their condition more effectively and with more confidence.

How can I join the scheme?

Most people with long-term health conditions can be referred onto the Exercise Referral Scheme. These include asthma, arthritishigh blood pressurediabetes and obesity, as well as depressionanxiety, osteoporosis and plenty of other conditions.

  • Simply speak to your GP, nurse, physio or other health care practitioner
  • If you are eligible, you will be referred to us

Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is aimed at inactive adults, 16 years and over with a low or moderate risk long-term condition.

If patients have been regularly active for more than three months, two or more times a week, they will not be accepted onto the scheme. They may, however, be recommended alternative membership options.

What does the Exercise Referral scheme involve?

At an initial appointment the Exercise Referral instructor will find out what is important to the individual and help them to find activities that they will enjoy! A 6 and 12 week review will enable the instructor to support the individual through their first 12 weeks to a healthier lifestyle.

Activities vary at each centre but may include:

For most people with a long term health condition or impairment, swimming and aquatic activity is excellent for health. It is safer to be active than to be inactive. But there are some things that might need advance consideration with specific health conditions or impairments to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. This handout mentions things to consider before swimming with a long term condition.

How frequently should participants attend?

Participants will be encouraged to attend at least two physical activity sessions per week, and social sessions to meet people as well!

Health and Social Care Practitioners; Find out how to refer

If you are a health and social care practitioner and would like to find out more about the scheme and how you can refer your patients, please click on the link below and our Activity and Wellbeing Managers will contact you. Please note, the link below cannot be used to make referrals onto the Exercise Referral Scheme.

This is a chargeable scheme. Prices may vary per site or activity. Pay as you go and direct debit options available.

Member Testimonials

The benefits of exercise on health are well documented, below are some of our member testimonials since the scheme started.

I can now walk without my knee brace and walk a little further. The class is just right for me also as I suffer from anxiety, so the small group in its own room is perfect. The laughter also has been a great boost to my health. I am unable to motivate myself to exercise at home but coming to this group is such a joy. Exercise and laughter, what could be better for physical and mental health. It is wonderful.

Cherry Graffham, East Suffolk,

Paula has arthritis in her knees and has been using the pool based Good Boost for rehabilitation and pain management. Paula wishes everyone who has similar pain and mobility issues to give it a go.

I really enjoyed it and I liked how it was personalised to a person. I will definitely be coming again, and I would highly recommend it for people with similar health conditions. The tablet was easy to use, especially as I had an instructor with me to help

Paula Pellin, North Norfolk,

“A recent patient with fibromyalgia told me she has had a better response to the exercise programme set up for her via Everyone Active than 16 different painkillers & antidepressants we have tried! I have positive feedback from every patient who attends the sessions & have seen really significant & long term improvements in patient health resulting from the lifestyle changes they have made”

Dr Sillitoe

For more information on Good Boost at Everyone Active