
Climbing Classes with Everyone Active

Here at Everyone Active, we offer NICAS (National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme) climbing classes. NICAS is a structured programme aimed at progressing beginner indoor climbers through a series of levels.

NICAS Level 1 begins with teaching the climber how to put on a harness, tie their climbing knot and belay safely. As the climber progresses through the NICAS levels they learn a range of climbing movement techniques, set their own goals and develop autonomy within the climbing wall.

But how do you decide which level is the right one to start your child off at? Here, we’ve brought all the stages together so you can best choose what’s right for your child. We recommend anyone who hasn’t climbed before or has little experience starts at level 1, we can always move you up a level.

Tiny Tots

(Ages 5-6)

A great way to get younger kids climbing and having fun the wall. Coaching is focused on developing ABCs (agility, balance and coordination), as well as respect for the climbing environment. Sessions are 60 minutes long, at a maximum ratio of 4 students per instructor and are heaps of fun!

Level 1 New Climber

(Ages 7-17)

An entry-level class aimed at novices that recognise their ability to climb safely under supervision. Focused on the initial skills of putting on a harness, tying knots and basic movement up and down the wall.

Level 2 Foundation Climber

(Ages 7-17)

These climbing classes are aimed at promoting good practice in climbing and bouldering independently on an artificial wall. Deeper knowledge is acquired and belaying is honed to a competent level.

Level 3 Technical Climber

(Ages 7-17)

A more advanced top-roping and bouldering award that focuses on developing technique and movement skills. This is aimed at ensuring a climber possesses the knowledge and skill to climb and belay safely at any climbing facility (whether or not under supervision or with back-up) and operate in a responsible manner. Achievement at this level is broadly equivalent to a pass at GCSE.

Level 4 Lead Climber

(Ages 7-17)

During these climbing classes, you’ll learn to lead climb proficiently – a more advanced form of climbing. Aimed at developing a self-motivated climber who has a wide range of skills and has reached a high level of competence on top rope, with a desire to progress by identifying and setting goals.

Level 5 Advanced Climber

(Ages 7-17)

Reserved for the highest level of ability at an indoor wall. Please enquire for more information.

NICAS Junior Climbing

Our mixed-level NICAS session. Classes are typically made up of multiple coaches and climbers are split based on ability, age and NICAS level. These climbing classes are great for both beginner and advanced climbers alike.

If you would like more information around our NICAS lessons for children, please enquire and one of our team will get back to you.

What are the benefits of climbing classes?

At Everyone Active, we believe that climbing isn’t just an activity; it’s a journey of discovery, growth, and joy. Here’s a few reasons why your kids should consider starting climbing classes with Everyone Active.

Full-Body Fitness

Climbing is like a dance on the wall, one that uses every part of the body. When kids climb, they engage their arms, legs, as well as their core muscles to stabilise themselves. It’s a fantastic way for them to develop strength, endurance, and flexibility – all while having fun. Unlike traditional sports or gym workouts, climbing is so engaging that most kids don’t even realise they’re exercising.

Brain Boosting Benefits

Think of climbing as a puzzle; each route is a problem to solve. Climbers must decide where to place their hands and feet and determine the most efficient path upwards. This involves a whole lot of brainpower! Regular climbing can sharpen young minds, improving concentration, problem-solving skills, and even creativity. Plus, reaching the top of a climb after sorting through these challenges is incredibly rewarding.


Every step up a climbing wall is a boost in confidence. With indoor climbing, even small accomplishments feel significant. Kids learn to set goals (like reaching the next hold) and achieve them through perseverance. The beauty of climbing is that progress is visible—literally. Kids can look down and see how far they’ve climbed. Each session can help boost their confidence, as they see tangible proof of what they can achieve through persistence and courage.

Boosting Social Skills

Climbing might look like a solo sport, but it is deeply rooted in community. Classes at Everyone Active are a fantastic way for young climbers to meet others with similar interests. It’s a wonderful opportunity for them to build teamwork and communication skills. They learn to encourage one another and work together, whether they’re climbing or belaying.

Emotionally Elevating

Climbing is an incredible stress reliever for children. Engaging physically in climbing helps reduce stress and anxiety, much like yoga or running does for adults. Also, it teaches them how to manage frustration. Not every climb is successful; learning how to cope with falling or failing and trying again is a valuable life lesson.

It’s More Than Just Climbing

Our indoor climbing classes at Everyone Active are more than just a physical activity; they offer a holistic approach to growth and development. Children learn about trust, self-awareness, and responsibility. Our supportive environment ensures they learn the right techniques and safety measures while having fun and making friends.
