Reconnect is a Kent County Council led, community based programme designed to get Kent’s children and young people thriving following the pandemic.
Clubs, societies, businesses and organisations have come together to create fabulous opportunities for children and young people. Together they can have fun, catch up on missed learning, engage in sports and activities, trips and experiences, receive mental health support, regain their confidence and gain access to career development opportunities.
We are really looking forward to 2022 and continuing to support Kent’s community get involved and help children and young people Reconnect and thrive. Each Leisure Centre’s offer is different this year and there will be something for everyone, but financial support is likely to be targeted to those who most need it.
Summer School Holiday Swimming Lesson Crash Courses
We are offering free spaces for all Reconnect card holders on our Summer Holiday Swimming Crash Courses.
Course Dates
1st August – 5th August – 09:00, 09:30 & 10:00
8th August – 13th August – 09:30 & 10:00
Badminton and Trampoline Taster Sessions
We are offering Reconnect card holders to trial the sports courses on available at White Oak Leisure Centre. The trial is a one week taster session. Trials are dependant on spaces available.
Reconnect Gym session
Designated slots in the gym to attend the gym during the summer holidays £2.00 sessions for Reconnect card holders.