
Stratford TAGactive


Join the fun at Stratford Leisure Centre’s Tagactive Arena!

What is TAGactive? | Parties | Obstacles | Visit Us

What is TagActive?

TAGactive is an arena based game designed to test strategy, speed, agility, awareness and bravery, while promoting fitness, fun and competition! 

The Arena itself contains a complicated structure of inter-connected activity areas. Each area contains challenges that require a mixture of physical and mental agility. The arena is split into separated zones, permitting enhanced player distribution and capacity management. 

You’ll need to follow the arena rules around height and weight to be able to play, as well as being in good physical condition. Before playing, you’ll also need to take part in a safety briefing. You should also follow our simple dress code to make sure you have as much fun as possible and don’t ruin your good clothes!

Stratford TAGactive

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TAGactive Parties

Are you ready to take on the TAGactive challenge for your next party or special occasion? TAG has the best features from outdoor obstacle courses but removed the mud! With wearable sensors, LED targets and multilevel zones to test your speed and agility, TAG is an exciting and fun way to spend your special day. Challenge yourself or compete against others using strategy and skill to get the highest score. Your party will take place within an open session and consist of three 12 minute games within a one hour slot.

TAGactive Youth Night

Enjoy the best of both worlds with our Friday Youth Nights! Combine the thrill of TAGactive with the classic fun of table tennis, all for one affordable price of £5. Sessions run from 4-6pm for ages 11 and under, and 6-8pm for ages 12-15.

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Inclusive TAGactive

3-4pm on the third Saturday of each month.

To create a more inclusive and comfortable environment, this session will be modified to accommodate individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), neurodivergence, and/or long-term health conditions. This will be achieved by creating a quieter atmosphere, eliminating music, and limiting the session’s capacity. These adjustments aim to reduce sensory overload and provide a more relaxed and accessible experience for those who may require additional support.

TAGactive Obstacles

Take on the obstacle challenges below in our TAGactive Arena:

Quarter Pipe

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Race up the wall to hit the targets and slide back down, but can you hit the red?

Cyber Tower

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You TAG in and complete right against left to go all the way up and back down again scoring points and a time

Giant Ball Hop

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The giant ball room tests your focus, agility, balance – you’ll need to navigate between and on top of the balls to get the high scores.

Giant Rope Bridge

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Test your balance and bounce your way across The Ball Hop, hitting targets as you go.
  • Mirror Maze
  • Sea of Ropes – The rope climb towers demands killer grip strength… add in some technique and you might, just, be able to complete the challenge!
  • Spider Wall – The spider wall demands focus, agility, balance and strength – you’ll need to co-ordinate them all and give it everything you’ve got if you want to succeed!

Opening Times

Friday (Youth Club Only): 16:00-20:00
Saturdays and Sundays: 10:15-16:00

Contact Us:

Stratford Leisure Centre
CV37 6YX
Tel: 01789 268826