Everyone Active and its partners at North West Leicestershire District Council are working to make activities more accessible for young people in the community.
The scheme is currently running at a number of schools throughout the district. Once on board, students at those schools will receive weekly points during term time based on the price of a Junior Swim Session e.g. 35 points (£3.50).
For those aged 14 and over, their weekly points allowance is based on entry to the fitness suite e.g. 88 points (£8.80).
These points can be exchanged for activity sessions at:
Points can be used weekly or saved to pay for more expensive activities. Each point saved is equivalent to 10p.
To sign up to the scheme, simply pick up and complete one of the red forms from your participating school and choose which centre out of Ashby and Whitwick & Coalville you wish to attend.
Alternatively, complete the online form, making sure you include the card number you have been supplied with. Choose either the Ashby or Whitwick & Coalville page and your details will be sent to that centre to be entered onto the system. Please allow seven days for your details to be processed
If you save your points, you can use them to enjoy as number of different activities beyond swimming and the gym. The specific activities available depend on which centre you’re attending and can be found on each centre’s Fees and Charges page.
To use your points, simply arrive at your centre and show your card. The centre will also be able to tell you how many points you have available. Points are only valid for one school term and are reset to zero at the beginning of each new term. We are unable to accept points as part-payment for any activity and places on courses and classes are given on a first come, first serve basis.